DINIS Park rides and kids rides, Family rides.

What research should you do before you invest in amusement equipment?

Not it need to do research when you want to do amusement business? But what aspect should you pay attention when doing research?

  1. playgroundenvironment and customer flow survey

The quality of the environment has two meanings: one meaning refers to the environment around the playground, and the other meaning refers to the level of prosperity of the playground.Therefore, when we select the site for children’s amusement equipment, we should take into account the environment around the playground

For example, the playground should be located in a large shopping mall, which not only meets the shopping needs of parents, but also provides convenience for children to play.

Customer flow is a survey of the number of customers in the business district or shopping mall and is used as a reference for the turnover system of new playground. The survey is mainly targeted at expectant mothers and young parents.Survey customers who visit the store on different days and at different times.Traffic situation, especially you needs to pay attention to the holiday traffic situation.

  1. Customer consumption level survey

The evaluation of consumption level is a complex problem. Generally speaking, the evaluation of consumption level needs to be carried out from housing, transportation, communication, clothing, family, entertainment, education, medical treatment and other aspects。

  1. Nearby traffic conditions

The convenience of transportation is very important for setting up an amusement park. Whether it is convenient for customers to park and take a bus from other places to your amusement park are all factors that need to be considered. If parents want to take a hike after playing with their children for a whole day, they need to take a hike,if there is a long time before they can take the bus, it may difficult for them to bring their children to your playground again.

  1. Investigation of other amusement parks

There are many amusement parks to be investigated by investors, including amusement park structure survey, amusement project survey and amusement project price survey.The structural survey of amusement parks is mainly to provide reference for the layout of amusement parks

Use area, playground style, playground layout, etc.



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