DINIS Park rides and kids rides, Family rides.

The quality of amusement equipment

  1. Cost performance

In fact, Whether the business product selection, or manufacturers for product research and development, we all should pay attention to cost-effective, cost-effective products can bring more customers to the site, but also can become a high life cycle of products.For example, flying chair, horse and so on, in the rotating equipment, the product has been enduring, it can be a necessary for amusement venue.

  1. Parent-child competitive

Some parent-child devices “do not have the effect of real parent-child interaction.Therefore, the demand for parent-child competitive products has emerged.This kind of product is the need for manufacturers and businesses to complete together.Manufacturers need to provide parents and children can play the equipment at the same time.First of all, there should be competitive elements, so that businesses can use the equipment to organize competition activities.Secondly, businesses should design related game activities, this allows parents to play with their children, or even different families to play with each other.

  1. Themed equipment

Teenagers are the main consumers of animation products.In the future, there will be more animation film elements put into the park.Children can see the familiar objects in the cartoon from the equipment design, they can see, touch, and even play with the image.Let the child walk into the scene of the cartoon.At present, in the park industry, many cartoon characters have been made into devices to enter the park.This design will no doubt attract more customers.

  1. Team equipment

A group device, as the name implies, it is a device that can organize a group to play.Such equipment is often used in amusement parks to set up team equipment in larger venues or organize team games, aiming at cultivating and exercising children’s social skills in such a mixed-age structural environment.Team games are of great help to the growth of children by exercising their character and cultivating their ability of sociability.



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